How To: Enable "Unknown Sources" to Install Third-Party Apps (APK Files) on a Nexus 4 or Nexus 5

How To: Enable "Unknown Sources" to Install Third-Party Apps (APK Files) on a Nexus 4 or Nexus 5

Here's one of those modding must-haves that's basic, yet easy enough to forget about. If you're going to install apps that don't live in the Google Play Store, like the Google Experience Launcher, the OnePlus One lock screen, or something that needs root privileges like the Xposed Framework, you need to turn on this setting.All you have to do is go to Settings -> Security, then check the box next to Unknown sources and you're good to go. With that done, you can install any APK file that you'd like onto your Nexus 4, Nexus 5, or any other Android phone.

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Set email guidelines. Tell your clients when they can expect an email response. You can set a rule that you reply within two hours during working hours and then a different rule for after hours and weekends. Post your business hours. List your hours on your web site and in your voice mail, or indicate the best time to reach you.
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Here at Macgasm, we need to take screenshots of Mac apps all the time. Whenever you take a window screenshot on the Mac (command-shift-4, followed by the spacebar), it captures the window contents and the drop shadow beneath the window, and saves it into a transparent PNG file on your desktop. This
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So, is that red glow around the edges of your Android phone's screen really a serious thing to be bothered about? I do not think so because it is just a tiny glitch resulted from a misconfiguration on your phone's settings and it is known as "Strict Mode". It is not one of those features that are meant for normal use.
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Google recently rolled out a new Smart Lock option labeled "On-body detection" for Android Lollipop via an update to Google Play Services. As I'm sure you can gather from the name, this new function keeps your phone or tablet unlocked using the built-in accelerometer to determine whether or not your device is being carried on your body, allowing you to set it down and walk away carefree
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If you've ever prematurely dismissed all of your push notifications before you got a chance to read each one, you know how annoying it can be to dig through all of your apps to try and find the one with the missed notification. Android does have a built-in notification history you can check out, but
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If your Android phone comes with a small amount of internal storage, here's how to move apps to a microSD card and free up more space.
Files To SD Card - Apps on Google Play

Here's how to turn your Facebook profile picture into a video or animation. Subscribe to CNET:

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